name: Terry
Age: 22
Gender: Male

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Requiem For
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Oh, messy life
Kensh|nX's Confession


slurp 05
"Don't give up the whole forest for one tree." Ever heard that line
before? I have...many times. But I never once agree with that.
I believe is not giving up the whole forest but proving your love is real.
The forest is vast, is fill with trees. And one day, you find that special
tree but you think that you might find a better one or just as good. So
you went deeper into the forest hoping to find that special tree.
So you search deeper and further and then you realize you can't find that
special tree. And you can't go back to that tree you set your eyes on the
in the 1st place. [don't tell me about the map, compass or whatever damn
thing about making my way back!]
You lost that tree. And you will regret for not making the move and hold
This prove a few things. 1st thing is, the moment you decide that you
might find a better tree. That shows that your love ain't 100 percent
real. You are still in a pending situation. You are not sure if your love
is real.
If you love someone and you believe is real. Don't follow what people tell
you, blindly...listen to their advice but be your own mind. There might be a better
tree but how long you going to find it or if you find it anyway. Your heat
is set upon one now, and it could be that one. You never know. Is not
about chances is about not listening to yourself. Is about Not regretting.
My friend told me, why didn't I chop it down and keep it beside me if that
tree is so special. Is a very good question. And one I can't really
Is up to you to take what I have to say. I choose not to cut it down. I
choose to sit beside it. I choose not to harm it, I choose to be there.
Might seem like I'm in a pending situation doesn't it? No, is not. Is
showing how much I like that tree and not to chop it down.
And not that I don't want to chop it down...I got my axe but the
tree have a sign on the bark . A sign that shows that the tree might not
be meant for you. But is un-confirm. So I choose to wait...wait till the
tree chopper who marked the tree. If the tree choose to fall upon his very
first touch, then I will move on.
Damn if I know what I'm saying. So plain and simple. I chose to wait and
not do anything. Stupid? Agreed. But that's me. I should move on but like
I said before, I won't move on till I certain that I'm not the one or the
tree decide to whack me with its branch.
So what's my situation now? I'm the fool who is waiting. Actually, I felt
like giving up since I can't reach her level of expectation but I'm not
one who give up so I chose to wait till is certain.
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