
name: Terry
Age: 22
Gender: Male

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going nowhere


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Requiem For A Dream

Door To Insanity

Oh, messy life

Kensh|nX's Confession


slurp 02


Well, finally the big loser confessed his love to her. In a most in-sincere way, I have to admit.

I told her last night [27/05/02: 2am] through IRC. Told you , is totally in-appropriate. But is the only way I know how. Hey, I ain't a loser for nothing.

Beside, like my friend told me "at least she knows". Which is true.

So what's the outcome you probably anxious to know.

Well , is not a good or bad but is in-between. Some of you probably already guess it.

She told me, is still early and that we need more time. Which I fully understand. But somehow, I still feel kind of sad.

Again like a friend told me, at least she didn't reject me right off.

I don't know. Don't think I have a chance...I'm a low self esteem kind of guy.

And by the way, there isn't much in this site. Is basically a one page site , where the rest are purely archives.

I don't care what you think of this site...course this is my personal site and I can jolly do what I want regardless what you think.

Just when I thought I ain't got any more problem, another just emerge. But I ain't going to talk about that now.

Save it for another day in a life of a pathetic loser.


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Stimulants For The Week.

Moby: 18, 'A' : Hifi Serious, Goo Goo Dolls: Gutterflower, Dizzy Up The Girl, Star Wars 2: ATOC,  Dead Alive and Jimmy Eat World: Bleed American